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发表于 2014-12-7 02:18  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

WASHINGTON recently. Group purchase price of 9,http://pgy.chisa.edu.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=155249,woolrich milano,000 yuan per square meter,http://xia.mods.jp/cgi-bin/ph/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=viewres&target=784/,woolrich parka outlet, far below the real estate 23,000 yuan / square meter of the market price.
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However,piumini woolrich,http://524co.tistory.com, the reporter has learned that the oil once 8 million yuan transferee Taiyangxingcheng three eight storeys developer Ken Beijing Real Estate Development Co.,http://www.prco.jp/~shake/apeboard/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=viewres&target=166361/,piumini peuterey outlet, Ltd. is the industry 40% stake.
A real estate expert, said: "Even buy this item 9000 yuan / per square meter in terms of the developer is very low,woolrich sito ufficiale, so do not rule out the existence of other delivery points of interest."
In addition, the reporter from an employee of a subsidiary of the oil group that currently the oil is on the "buy event" conduct an internal investigation. However,basket nike tn, this reporter has not yet been confirmed by the oil level.
Although CNPC official said the employees own money to purchase entirely, but there are staff to the media revealed that "people are the company to participate in high-level buy." The staff also confirmed this statement to reporters,basket louboutin pas cher, he said that ordinary employees are not entitled to such treatment.
The staff also told reporters that in addition to an internal investigation into the incident,air jordan spizike pas cher,[url=http://www.noshironet.jp/bbs2/light.cgi?res=21http://www.noshironet.jp/bbs2/light.cgi?res=21[/url], the company also stressed that the requirements from headquarters to the various subsidiaries should do security work. "The media coverage is widespread, the company special attention." (Integrated "Chongqing Evening News,http://hongkong01.rs-online.com,peuterey outlet milano," "Daily Economic News" reported)



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