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发表于 2014-11-18 19:40  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

Correspondent Shen Qian,woolrich sito ufficiale
80 police encounter when riding a motorcycle to work on the streets looting, timely helping hand extended Chinese-American girl robbed, robbed of purse regained,tn requin pas cher, but it accidentally forgotten his wallet at the scene. Rescued the girl searching through the network to which police information,basket nike pas cher, then the wallet returned to him. Recently, Shanghai undergone such a "send each other wallet" tortuous story.
Motorcycle parked in front of the cross-robber
Happened in the morning of August 20,moncler milano, after 80 Chinese-American Xu Ling in a pony Nandan Road, near the road bike, I suddenly felt a little heavy backpack. She looked back, a more than 10-year-old boy has her backpack zipper pull,air max femme pas cher, dig something positive from the inside! Xu Ling car carrying the man fell to the ground. Boy seeing this,air max pas cher, simply grabbed a bag, pulls out the wallet and ran. When Xu Ling is preparing to catch up,peuterey uomo, and rushed to the side of the big guys three men stopped her path,woolrich roma, one of them falls to the ground also grabbed her backpack.
Xu Ling hesitated legitimate, from the side of a motorcycle suddenly rushed over, the boy stopped in front of the cross to grab wallet. Motorcycle man off, directly forward,woolrich uomo, hand pulls out a wallet stolen from the boy's pocket. The other three men quickly gathered around the big guys, but the motorcycle to an enemy three men started fighting. At this time, Xu Ling masses around and have stepped forward, opened a few people. Four men tried to rob a Man and more, leaving the backpack and wallet and ran. See things get resolved, motorcycle man from the ground up, patted the dust, picked up the wallet and handed Xu Ling, and step onto the motorcycle away.
Lost male police the fight purse
Just when Xu Ling remorse did not say "thank you", the side of the passers-by see a wallet on the ground there. "Well, who is this purse?" Opened it, there is also just that strange man's identity. Motorcycle man named Qiu Jiayao, also a 80,peuterey outlet, he was someone else regain wallet own pocket wallet was left behind in the fight to the ground.
To find this, "his help" young men, Xu Ling tried to search for information on the Internet. She found a video, is the visual Changning District Songhong Road Primary comprehensive news channels to carry out contingency plans for shooting drills news. "Qiujia Yao is a policeman ah!" Xu Ling laments, "He was wearing a police uniform more handsome!"
It turned out that morning,woolrich donna, just finished the night shift value  days off to take advantage of the opportunity to give his daughter to handle insurance matters, but the road to help Xu Ling but accidentally lost his wallet. Lost documents, Hsiao Chiu returned home his wife was also a lot of chatter. However,woolrich uomo, he soon received a return Xu Ling wallet.
Because soon to return to the United States, Xu Ling left here by courier before the  lost wallet according to the address on the ID card sent to his house, and gave Changning Public Security Bureau wrote a letter of commendation, called "Give a 80 Police letters of appreciation ":" It is with Qiu Jiayao such as knight-like bravery, such as gentlemanly gentle police officer maintains law and order in Shanghai, Shanghai metropolis so to have such a glory such as Qiu police officer is us. Shanghai's glory! "



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