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发表于 2014-10-17 03:58  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
but also taking the time to give my sister scrub the body

From the beginning of an eye care knowledge fed idea
Tianjin Reuters Meirixinbao reporter Xu Yan Zhangnan home in Dongli District flawless Street. Because my sister can not speak,, communicate mostly by the sisters eyes,http://bbs.07358.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=253&fromuid=64,air jordan, sitting on the bed of her sister Zhang Nan will hold up, the two looked at each other, people did not understand how it was when Zhang Nan has stood up to pour a glass of water to the outside, sitting on the bed with a spoon slowly fed into the mouth of her sister. Drinking water, Zhang Nan will be several thick novels into a pillow in front of my sister, so my sister just a little twisted nod able to see the books. Zhang Nan said that although her sister did not know the word, but especially love reading, as long as there are books in front of very happy. See sister quiet down, Zhang Nan went to her desk in front of this to continue learning.
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Examination soon have arrangements to take care of a lifetime commitment
Has 15-year-old Zhang Nan is facing in the exam,http://422.gsd.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k96372&pageid=icb.page617007&pagecontentid=icb.pagecontent1337212&view=isitestool.cgi, learn naturally very nervous,http://www.yxmaid.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=16672, but still did not put down the burden of care for her sister. After getting up at 6:00 every morning,tiffany outlet, to give her sister grooming, and is sister to eat breakfast together. Although her academic performance has been very good, but she admitted to their established goals focus on high school, she said he had promised to take care of mom and dad with my sister for life, it must be strong, the only way in the future have the ability to take care of her .
Today my mother promised to make red Bingtui at noon time she would not run back and forth, but to feed dinner daily tasks still owned by her, because her sister have become accustomed to taking care of by her sister, to wait for my sister to come back after a good meal to eat. Fed only a beginning of the evening, after dinner even more busy, review the homework, but also taking the time to give my sister scrub the body, while her sister had to pay attention to if you want a bowel movement, Zhang Nan sister is a bowel movement so much in the evening, the time between nine to ten o'clock,mulberry outlet, the night shift for many years my father,herve leger sale, my mother was difficult, so this task can be completed only their own, but fortunately my sister though high,louboutin,, but very light weight, daily hugged long been accustomed to .



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