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who went back to Xuchang home.

□ correspondent Du Wenyu correspondent Pei Wen Niu book / map,prezzi hogan
Reading Tip 4 years ago,http://four-faith.v.suncco.com:88/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4359839&extra=, Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province, girls as young as six years old my mother Zhao Yifei Li Yan (a pseudonym) entrusted to the care of the local people Zhao Baohua, after Li Yan made no appearances. Recently, Zhao Baohua Li Yan accidentally found a yellowed copy of ID card, according to the information on the ID card, Zhao Baohua help the media, hoping to help find the child's family. With the help of both the media and the police, the Zhao Yifei finally told the father had, last night,hogan junior outlet, the child with his father,http://theperfitbody.com/activity/p/464886/, who went back to Xuchang home.
The girl handed over to nannies, four years did not show up again
June 20 this year, Xuchang County Public Security Bureau police received Lonza District Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province Zhao Baohua of five villages Blessed calls. Zhao Baohua reflect, 2010,http://www.kaichequba.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=397131, she was for a named Li Yan (a pseudonym) woman custody of the child, when Li Yan in Harbin,hogan scontate, a restaurant waitress. Li Yan paid her 7,scarpe online hogan,500 yuan in cash, and agreed to visit the child regularly. But four years later, Li Yan and nothing came to see the child, the phone can not get through. June 19 this year, Zhao Baohua handbag when finishing a year left Li Yan, Li Yan accidentally found a yellowed copy of ID card. According to the information on the ID card,prezzo hogan, she called to Qiqihar local media for help. Enthusiastic reporter to help her contact Xuchang local media,outlet hogan on line, the two reporters together to help Zhao Baohua linked to the Xuchang County police.
Police multi-query, and finally found the girl pro dad
Zhao Baohua said that four years ago, she put the child as her own daughter to raise children this year, almost 10 years old, a local elementary school in the third grade, academic performance is very good. But the child's development is inseparable from the birth parents. Since there is no account of local school children in Qiqihar very troublesome. Plus their older, family circumstances and the body is not good, she often worry about their children's growth and a way out.
Xuchang County Public Security Bureau Criminal Brigade police Zhang Hongqing introduction, Zhao Baohua after receiving the call, they immediately found by the household registration system,hogan interactive donna, Li Yan,http://www.sonindirimci.com/profile.php?uid=91, Li Yan confirm Xuchang County Ai Zhuang Hui countryman, his daughter named Zhao Yifei,hogan outlet, also known as Li Ching, Born in 2004.
Upon further investigation, police learned that Zhao Yifei called Zhao's biological father, who lives in Xuchang County Ai Ai Zhuang Hui Township Village, with his wife Li Zhao Yan on December 25,http://bbs.yunos.com/read.php?spm=, 2008 divorce, his mother the daughter of Zhao Yifei.
Police immediately get in touch with Zhao. Zhao learned that her daughter behind, very pleasantly surprised, immediately to the police said, as soon as possible go to Qiqihar, his daughter home reunion.
Because it involves Zhao Yifei reconfirm the identity and raising the cost of settlement and other issues, Xuchang County police and other two police mission Zhang Hongqing family to travel together along with Zhao Yifei Qiqihar City, meet Zhao Yifei home.
DNA confirmed the relationship between father and daughter, father and daughter meet crying
June 29 afternoon,hogan store, eight people from the police, reporters and Zhao Yifei family member "next of kin group",scarpe hogan prezzo, finally arrived in Qiqihar.
Zhao Baohua communicate with local police learned that Zhao Yifei June 30 to conduct the final exam. To not disturb the children learn, Zhang Hongqing decided Zhao Yifei blood sampling after the examination is completed, confirm their identity.
July 1 morning, in cooperation with local police,scarpe hogan uomo saldi, DNA identification results came out, confirmed that Zhao Zhao Yifei daughter. Day 11 am, "next of kin group" line immediately rushed to Zhao Baohua home.
"Yifei ah, my father came to pick you home!" July 1 at 13 am,scarpe hogan donne prezzi,http://jtsg.dylsw.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=万众海浪论坛8855, five Blessed village, 37-year-old daughter saw Zhao Zhao Yifei, then kneeling on the ground clutching her hands, began to cry. Four years have not seen my father's small Yifei, a bit overwhelmed to see my father after hiding Zhao Baohua arms crying incessantly.
Zhao Baohua while comforting small Yifei,http://learningnetwork.childrensfoodtrust.org.uk/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, while wiping away tears, said: "My child, he is the most miss you dad ah, soon called 'Daddy'!" "Dad," "Oh, my dear daughter ah!" Soon "Dad!" let Zhao tears,http://www.dojjj.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, but also to the people around tears.
"Zhao sister one pair Yifei is very good, I am particularly grateful kids get older home conditions are good, I will often bring their children to see her." Zhao said, here is Yifei second home here forever one love her "mom."
July 3 in the afternoon, Zhao Yifei follow along with my father, who boarded a train bound for Henan. Dahe reporter dispatch at 17:00 on July 4, the train has entered the Henan province, about 23 o'clock at night, small Yifei it home.
(Original title: multi nanny to help girls find help end dad)



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