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Required to submit application materials outside normal child birth certificate Reminder: best slow one week to the county's bid
Municipality has started the implementation of "two separate child" policy.
Fertility "two children" is also required to apply for the "birth certificate of service" (commonly known as the "birth certificate"). So what couples can apply for a second child "birth certificate", which need to submit the application materials, policies born yesterday "two children" is able to re-submit "birth certificate" and other issues, this newspaper detailed interpretation for you.
Policy Interpretation
"Two children" born yesterday can fill zhunshengzheng
Yesterday afternoon,http://www.cnnetech.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,hollister soldes, the Beijing Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission held a conference on the "two children alone,basket tn nike," the New Deal interpretation doubts, former City Planning Commission Director of Political Science at Ye Xiaomin said that at present the county has to apply for "alone two children," the birth certificate of service, but due to documentation and training of relevant departments in place until next week, people are advised to re-apply for a week delay.
In addition, for the "grab grab pregnant students' case, the City Health and Family Planning Commission has made it clear, before the New Deal,woolrich uomo outlet," alone "does not meet the re-birth of children a couple has given birth to a second child policy, belonging to illegal fertility, and birth policy shall then Bill be dealt with, have a penalty punishable!
"Legal Evening News" reporter learned that, "two children alone," the "birth certificate" apply mainly involve three groups. After respectively, gave birth to a second child ready to "separate the couple" have been cherished "two children" and "husband and wife alone" policies were born yesterday, "two children alone."
City Health and Family Planning Commission official said, after the latter two cases the applicant during the criticism and education, you can apply for a new "birth certificate of service,http://www.momentumvm2.com/index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=73408," according to the law.
Former City Planning Commission Director of Political Science at Ye Xiaomin reminder for policy enacted in the day yesterday was born "two children", in addition to the normal bid submission required, the need to separately submit a birth certificate before re-submit the appropriate documents.
Hot Concern
"Alone two child" policy
1. The spouse is the only child born to "two children"
"Two separate child" policy for which specific populations for?
According to the policy, the implementation of the crowd, "two children alone 'policy is: both or either one of them is a city residence and only child, only maternity (or legally adopted) a couple of children.
According to the city's existing family planning policy and the number of children is calculated, refer couples to one child (or legally adopted) children only, ie without the same father with the mother, half,http://qlx.ctxlsj.com/thread-1947238-1-1.html, half-siblings, or had But brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters were in the maternity (or legally adopted) before the child died.
2. "two child" birth certificate wait for a week and then bid
After the promulgation of regulations to revise "the couple alone" have fertility desire can go to the grassroots handled?
City Planning Commission official said Wei, announced the regulations, that is from the date of implementation of the public must obtain a permit on the same day as admissible. "But the documents and training are ready to do the next Monday, so we are now with the county's reply has been notified to the spirit of all documents sent to the county to go, you can accept. But the real proposal or wait a week later."
According to the plan should be implemented on March 1, but the time to advance to the date of publication began. The official said, "advance the implementation of a policy is a good thing, but we must also work to make adjustments accordingly."
3. still an interval of 4 years or up to 28 years old
"Alone two children," whether the policy will be set spacing?
"Alone two children," "birth certificate of service" Application Process
City Planning Commission official said Wei, to ensure the steady implementation of the policy to avoid medical care,http://www.fgzx.org/?action-viewcomment-itemid-146844, education and other public services caused by the pressure get together and fertility, Beijing continues to adhere to Article XVIII "in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance,hogan sito ufficiale," Beijing Population and Family Planning Regulations " allowed a second child, the spacing of not less than four years, or the woman's age is not less than 28 years of age "requirement.
Meet one of these two conditions that meet the city's "two children alone," the New Deal age standards.
1. spouses (both city residence) apply, fill out the "re-birth of a child to apply for approval."
2. stamped by both units or village
3. submit relevant materials to the city woman domicile township (street) family planning department and
4. township (street) family planning department approval of the audit report counties Population and Family Planning
Special Note: one of which is the city residence of the "separate husband and wife", you can follow the program to the city one of the residence where the township (neighborhood) to apply for the "birth certificate of service", approved by the city's party district domicile Population and Family Planning
Defines that the applicant is required to provide one child
1. The parents of the booklet (home, I change pages and pages) and a copy of the original
2. their parents archive units issued (no archive units issued by the household staff Village neighborhood) of childbearing circumstances prove
3. Parents of provinces and cities outside the household, parents household area (county) family planning department issued childbearing circumstances justifying (Note: original birth parents of two children, the need to provide valid proof issued by the relevant departments of other children died ; other children died after reaching the legal age for marriage, village committees should be issued to prove it is not the birth or adoption of children).
The recent increase household special support payments
Beijing's current family planning policy incentives and support, because now the municipal standards,louboutin homme, or 200 yuan a month,tiffany outlet, possibly with the national standards are still gaps. Well-child costs $ 5, for a long time did not adjust, and whether to consider a country as advocated above, according to the social dynamics for dynamic adjustment, or increase?
Gengyu Tian Wei, deputy director of the city Planning Commission said that from the beginning of this year, the state support for families, especially the gold to raise standards, improve the urban households 340 yuan per person per month in rural areas increased to 170 yuan per person per month, Beijing particularly special assistance policy, it should be said from the beginning of the implementation of 2005, has been higher than the national standard. Beijing Municipal Finance Bureau jointly present and decided that this year will be higher than the growth rate in the country, is also the approval process.
"But there is a little different, we may be the integration of urban and rural,air max pas cher, urban and rural population is no longer divided, the file down once issued, will have a more substantial increase." Geng Yutian explain regulations in provisions related to assistance and economic Help the total actually have four,http://wz999ftp.h1.10vps.com/manager/?action-viewcomment-type-cpdz-itemid-12, one-child incentive fees, then there is a one-time waiver of two children a reward, is 500 yuan reward. Another is when one child aged one-time bonus of 1000 dollars. There are disability-child deaths, casualties family is now less than 5,000 yuan.
said: "The appropriate policy on incentives and economic assistance, and this amendment is not included in the Beijing Population and Family Planning Regulations, mainly the integration of further research co-ordination, to further increase the one-child family to help in terms of pension support help efforts. "
5. no timetable for full liberalization of the second child
After "two children alone," Beijing will be fully open when the second child?
Geng Yutian clear that Beijing will not be implemented at this stage common policies can have two children. First,parajumpers homme,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, because the gradual improvement of family planning policy should be based on the unified deployment of the central decision-making under the guidance of the implementation of the country. Secondly,parajumpers pas cher, according to the central spirit on the reform of the household registration system, as the mega-cities, Beijing must study the control population size. According to relevant research and demonstration, "If at this stage on the implementation of the universal two-child policy, will cause volatility in the short term births, there was a significant accumulation of birth, to the basic public services to bring a lot of pressure."
Meanwhile, the long term, will form a periodic fluctuation of births, the total population continues to grow, to postpone the arrival of peak population, the impact of population development to achieve the goal of long-term planning, the city's economic and social development adversely affected.
Gengyu Tian said that the introduction of "two separate child" family planning policy does not mean that the basic state policy of relaxation,scarpe hogan outlet, but the center of the population combined with the strategic plan of economic and social development of the actual times to meet the requirements of the wishes of the people and social development. To curb population growth, China's early 1970s began in the country's family planning policy. After 40 years of efforts, the country, including Beijing fundamentally control the rapid population growth. But also suffered structural imbalances caused by rapid population change, such as the aging of the population increase, the structural imbalance of sex ratio at birth, family simplicity, the population size is still large, the pressure of population and resources and the environment is still severe, such as family planning work can not relax .
Bid submission required
1,http://bbs.chhldx.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=173133. The parent-child births circumstances justifying (or Village neighborhood parties units issued)
2. The applicant's booklet, "marriage certificate", childbearing case prove (or Village neighborhood units issued by both sides),moncler donna outlet, etc.,http://www.middlewareforums.com/viewtopic.php?pid=2043204#p2043204, and keep a photocopy of the original.
Special Note: The re-birth for approval,air max femme pas cher, the applicant's parents are handled through the "one-child parents Certificate of Honor" is not defined "child" of the necessary materials.
Edition text / reporter Wang Shuo drawing / Li Ming
(Original title: two children born to fill the day Deal Rush birth certificate)



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