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发表于 2014-11-27 16:04  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

Yangcheng Evening News reporter Lu yttrium morning mountain correspondent declared spike method, intern Wang Zheng Kai reports: the so-called "" reported on 8 Japanese version of the original town,tn femme pas cher, Baiyun district town of High River appoint team third rotten news. This morning,http://www.xinnn.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=72148, Baiyun District, Town of High River Village former village director Yan Zhuobo gangs of 16 people in Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court for trial. 16 people at a time with this trial as well as High River Town Village, Baiyun District, former branch secretary Li Jianli, he was accepting bribes 60,000 yuan Yan Zhuobo arrested.
Back to the village: one hundred people gathered to compete
Yan Zhuobo November 17, 1972 students, junior middle school education. Today morning, the prosecutor alleges that since 2000, Yan Zhuobo through gambling and other means to amass large sums of money,chaussures tn requin pas cher, and in the second half of 2004 returned to High River Town Village development forces.
After returning to the village, Yan Zhuobo to boundary issues rented mountain hundreds of people gathered in the South Mountain Village is located in the battle with others, adverse impact on the ground. Around June 2005, Yan Zhuobo to seek political background,hogan prezzo, and reap greater economic benefits, South Village branch secretary  arrangements when he passed,nike tn, as manager of the Nangang Economic Development Corporation to obtain the South Village management of economic affairs.
The second half of 2005, at the South Village  many villages, community cadres present,http://bbs.kayoubao.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=50610, and openly incite others to beat South economic co-president Yan Mouhua Village III, which the South Village's village,hogan, community cadres and villagers formed a strong deterrent. He has mustered the defendant purposefully Huangshun Feng, Xie Dazhuo, , who implemented to recover gambling and other illegal activities,outlet hogan originali, illegal reap economic benefits, forming a syndicate led to his repeatedly ordered the members of the organization to implement forced trading and other kind of offense.
General: the threat of violence was elected mayor
For complete control of the southern village of Economic Affairs and grassroots political power,http://www.sichuanbaoyang.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=155463, Yinzhuo Bo instructed members to take violence, threats and other means to monopolize important privileges South Village land, fish ponds and other collective property management, management, and planning campaign Nangang village head.
During the 2008 general election, Yanzhuo Bo instructed members to take threats, intimidation,air jordan pas cher, surveillance,http://lsg365.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=569037, bribery and other means, to the South Village villagers cause psychological stress and crowding, suppress competition, culminating in the general election has been elected mayor, and served ZhiBao Director, Economic Development Corporation manager. He also promoted several members of the organization arranged as deputy director of village security,http://park.jeanswest.com.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=576706, law and order the captain and other key positions.
Here, Yanzhuo Bo instructed members of the organization led by factory security team forced southward within the Village, businesses,air max femme pas cher,http://www.lansgo.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=14200, shops, prostitutes and other charges "comprehensive management fees" and other high cost savings for the organization of economic strength. In order to compete for projects, Yan Zhuobo also instructed several members of the organization to mobilize villagers to clear the high-speed expansion of a wide stream River Bridge construction site and the Wuhan-Guangzhou railway construction site use of violence, threats and other means to hinder the construction, causing serious economic losses and adverse effects.
Charges: Yan Zhuobo incriminated 11
Public prosecutor that the syndicate headed to  use threats of violence and other means, through the implementation of gambling, intentional destruction of property, forced trading, job occupation,giubbotti moncler, non-national staff of bribery, mob to disturb social order and other criminal activities to obtain economic interests, complete control of the southern village of Economic Affairs and grassroots political power, the formation of illegal control. Their behavior has constituted the crime of gambling, intentional destruction of property crimes, the crime of forced trading crime,http://bbs.yuyue.com.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=63561, disturb the crime,tn femme, etc.,http://www.madio.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=1168494, Yanzhuo Bo himself constitute the organization, leading the crime syndicate,basket nike requin, gambling, crime, non-national staff of bribery,chaussures tn requin pas cher, embezzlement, illegal detention, kidnapping and other 11 charges.
The case is currently under further investigation.



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