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such as peach girlfriend

Reporter Korea correspondent Xiaoyu gaining the upper hand
Love, forcibly hugged his girlfriend kiss his girlfriend but not, ruthless man biting his tongue is not loose. Men do this angry,abercrombie outlet, saying that his girlfriend strangled. April 22, Sanmenxia City Intermediate People's Court concluded that the cause of the emotional entanglements caused by intentional homicide cases, Yang Rui defendant guilty of intentional homicide,chaussures louboutin pas cher, was sentenced to death,chaussures nike tn pas cher, deprived of political rights for life.
Yang Rui is now 27 years old flame Romer County Town Village, a few years ago and the town of Lei Ka Dongming girl Meimei (a pseudonym) to determine the relationship.
Around at 9:00 on May 12,nike tn, 2009, Yang Rui Mei Mei came home riding a motorcycle.
At the time, Meimei a person at home, but also did not get up,mulberry,http://fcsis.com.dh08.datas.com.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=15080, look at the surface, such as peach girlfriend, Yang Rui Mei Mei irrepressible urge to go to bed and roll together.
After lunch,http://www.motof.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=162857,louboutin homme pas cher,http://bbs.dtom.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=25164, the two couples about the friends and Liu Li Bo came together not far from Roselle Park, an afternoon five young people play is pretty fun.
Liu Mei Mei particularly attentive only for passion, not when Meimei amused laugh,scarpe hogan outlet, as if the meaning of the pursuit Meimei, Yang Rui jealous,woolrich parka outlet, very angry.
18:00 the same day,abbigliamento peuterey uomo, five people eat barbecue next to the park, Yang Rui and Meimei sit together, eating affectionate arm around Gary Yang Mei Mei,moncler sito ufficiale, Mei Mei mouth attached to the ear to talk.
Who knows,woolrich outlet, one would actually Yang Rui Mei Mei open arms and sullen let Yang Rui attention to points, not hands and feet. This makes Yang Rui is very embarrassing,woolrich outlet italia, and even more angry.
After dinner,,chaussures tn pas cher, Yang Rui Mei Mei sent home, when the two went to Lei Tung Tau Village, simmering fire in my belly and asked the Yang Rui Liu Mei Mei is not chasing her,http://www.qmhistory.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=35676,scarpe hogan, and they therefore argue.
Meimei pouted her things do not Yangrui tube, both from a clean break, mutual non-interference.
Yang Rui heard here anxious and tried to cling to Meimei desperate kiss,http://www.game-t9.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=302738&fromuid=67285, Meimei escape,basket louboutin pas cher, however,basket air jordan pas cher, on the potential bite Yangrui tongue is not loose, the Yang Rui tongue Duyao rotten. Yang Rui terrible pain,http://wap.ujjvyo.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=50万众海浪论坛&extra=, lost under the senses, with both hands firmly grabbed Meimei's neck until the other party can not move.
The forensic identification, Meimei gripe about the neck due to external forces caused by mechanical asphyxia death.
The court held that, Yang Rui because of emotional entanglements,moncler milano outlet, quarrel with the victim Meimei happen, and then take the pinch neck approach,hogan sito ufficiale, leading to Meimei death,abercrombie magasin france, his behavior constituted intentional homicide; Yangrui brutal crime, criminal nature of the extremely poor,http://forum.dilingdang.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=万众海浪论坛976,hogan 2014, then made the above decision.



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