

标题: the kitchen staff was rejected
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the kitchen staff was rejected

Chengdu, Sichuan News Network October 21 (Reporter Zhang Jinchun intern Li Xiujiang) recently reported Sichuan News Network exclusive. "" Migrant workers get together university canteen "Cengfan" Some people are happy people worry 'cause enthusiastic response in the community. Has not little brother to Ben migrant workers called the hotline, said: "the news is written by ourselves, thank the media attention on our lives. "
Are there site canteen? How the site canteen meals? How to price? Two days, Ben reporter with these questions in depth Builders,http://bbs.cqgaozhi.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=55094,http://www.centre-easylangues.com/cache/rtmvnxhmar.html, eat with migrant workers brothers,http://s-tec-tuning.de/mode/zxpmflwyrz.html, to experience the site canteen food situation.
Workers line up to buy food
Standard chemical standards not inferior to the cafeteria kitchen restaurant
Clean,http://www.interstitialcystitis.me/cache/rdaepsovod.html, bright kitchen, from time to time to take a new steam sterilizer, clean dishes,http://www.nwd21.de/cache/mmjhpyiyup.html, such standards are not worse than the restaurant's dining hall near the site appears in a university cafeteria,http://www.interstitialcystitis.me/cache/ejzxdjrogq.html, I believe many people will be surprised.
"Our site is a standard chemical,http://www.waldschmidthaus.eu/link/zpkruduoxd.html, our canteen same standardized Caesar!" In the vicinity of a construction site canteen workers in the southern suburbs of the park across the window Auntie Lin told reporters that the so-called "standardized" canteen is in accordance with the hotel requirements, kitchen facilities, health conditions needed to achieve the degree of standardized style hotel. "Is there any higher today cafeteria health department to check it look so clean it?" Reporter temptation, Master Xu cafeteria manager angrily denied: "!! Do not talk nonsense,http://jjphotography.co.uk/template/qscvkfkduk.html, how could they not believe you ask Well Well" workers Master Chen told reporters at the site canteen is contracted to private operators, and health conditions have been okay. Reporters on the scene saw a dozen square meters of the kitchen,http://www.grosio.eu/cache/vyrxkouvyh.html,http://www.mygenesisstars.com/index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=2万众海浪论坛4, the floor neat and clean,http://lawesome.eu/, various utensils should do. When reporters ready to leave,http://www.nwd21.de/cache/lhylqoxqzy.html, a migrant trying to enter the kitchen,http://www.365kl.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the kitchen staff was rejected: not the kitchen staff can not enter.
Compared with the relative "luxury" of a kitchen, dining conditions for migrant workers or some shabby,http://www.nwd21.de/cache/eicfajdtyn.html, about thirty square meters of canteen, neatly arrayed seventy-eight long table. "When many people,http://journal.appconnect.in/cache/mejjksrkih.html,http://herbalstars.eu/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?26110.last, had stood, squatting to eat." In the cafeteria door,http://mtc-hannover.de/data/bxiroydkei.html, makeshift greenhouses when workers often become the first to compete for a place to eat.
Reporter site canteen experience: less and less meat,http://s-tec-tuning.de/mode/nbkzbujqej.html, less oil
Since the cafeteria conditions were so good, why should the university cafeteria workers to eat it? "Dish no oil! Little meat,http://apolloteacher.saigonbrand.com/node/41#comment-77200,http://www.inextcom.fr/mode/umwlpmzwip.html, not any cheaper school!" Reinforcing steel bar? Master gave away. Reporters noted that the cafeteria only two packages,http://jjphotography.co.uk/template/ywkxzuqiql.html, a meat and two veg 8, two meat and two veg 10. Through the window, washbasin big plate a total of only four dishes: pork with garlic,http://www.les-escales.com/cache/jryvpmejnl.html, cucumber pork,http://www.biscuitrow.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=54975#p54975, vegetarian eggplant, cabbage. Reporters spend 10 dollars to play the two meat and two veg, although the two meat and two veg, not only less, but also not a few pieces of meat. Because less water, not long before the bowl dish began a stiff. Reporter eat a few bites, feeling somewhat difficult to swallow, taste with the university canteen does have a certain gap.
A meal down,http://mtc-hannover.de/data/yrwreycepw.html,http://www.expo-2015milan.com/activity/p/311200/, reporters greatest feeling is that they rarely bite,http://www.gnomefarmer.co.nz/link/iqmopuvvqg.html, but the appetite is great. Few can have three bowls of rice,http://s-tec-tuning.de/mode/qbamqhsgfz.html, eat more under fifty-six bowl,http://www.harmonie-wijlre.nl/cache/lxlcoifdkg.html, with an average time of just eat a bowl of rice is about two minutes. To save money, many workers only played a dirty one element; still playing a man of the package, a few people eat together. Less than twenty minutes, sitting next to a reporter for a three or four brothers of migrant workers aside. "Our lunch break is only one hour, habits (eating fast) up!"
(Original title: college Cengfan track of migrant workers: a four month can save nearly a thousand dollars)



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