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发表于 2014-9-4 22:22  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
have a piece of paper on the ground

Newspaper reporter Gao Fei Liying Jiang / Wen Zhang Yalin / photo
Hook one hand, a hand nylon yesterday afternoon along West Street, a 60-year-old old man carefully flip the trash. In the pedestrian's eyes, she is a humble scavengers, her family may actually pretty good condition. Her name is Kim Li,mulberry outlet, 57 years old this year, there are more than 5,000 children per month light of his wife's pension. Why do old people have to go to the streets picking up trash?
Picking up trash for two years did not leave a penny
"This saved enough to sell five cents a pound." 13 o'clock yesterday, Li Jin lunch,http://www.dghw.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=211618, rest a little bit and went out. Yellow nylon carry in your hand, the other hand is holding a homemade hook. For two years,http://vvv123.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=15934, Kim Li street every day, where there is garbage, which garbage "baby" more,mulberry outlet, where to sell scrap prices, she cleared the door children. But selling waste of money,karen millen, but she did not stay a minute.
"Were donated." Golden Li Xiaohe said,hogan outlet, "Every time I see the TV, there is a message in the newspaper donations,armani pas cher, I would go to plug a three hundred."
21, the old man gave a special education school in Shijiazhuang sent 10 badminton rackets, two table tennis bats and a jump rope. These items are for the elderly from the rubbish, Amoy,http://jodoh.com.sg/index.php/forum/employment-taxes/46759-the-discharge-door-has-a-designated-area-in-the-front-of-the-property-before-the-holiday-are-posted-ban-prompted-some-owners-may-not-consciously#47129,mulberry sale, hear special education schools lack sports equipment, she put the "baby" brought.
200 yuan per month for living expenses generous donations
Jin Li is a retired textile machinery factory worker, her husband is a retired teacher,hollister pas cher, an old married couple in the twenty-first lived in the dormitory 20 years, there are more than 5000 yuan monthly pension. "The family had enough money, she also must-see." Lee Jin Li's wife child said, "We all love and support her,http://www.g2658g.com/news/html/?4225.html, but after all the garbage is not health."
Lee said Quanguo I do not know how many times, children just do not listen to his wife,hollister france, he will not say anything. "She has her own set, we say that it's useless."
"What, can not only exercise, but also to those who need more than scrape together some money,http://www.lexiangshequ.org/home.php?mod=space&uid=19990, I feel better than at home to recover from the strong." Jin Li said she retired in 1995, life is very frugal. "Now more than 200 yuan per month for living expenses enough to use." But when it comes to donate money, but she generously.
Ms. Lee said the neighbor, the old man carrying a nylon common scavengers, "Start misunderstood her, her family is not short of money, every day, picking up litter doing? Thought she was very stingy, and later learned that she was using the money to contribute, I would quite admire her. "
The first has "fear of shame" is picking up litter
Good Kiyofuku not enjoy,louboutin pas cher, why not go to scavengers? Originally, Kim Li 3 years of age due to a fall falling root cause of epilepsy. Her long illness resonate with other vulnerable populations, so it will try to help others when they have the ability.
From just work up to now, she has lost count of how many times donate money,louboutin pas cher, can not remember who had donated. "Although the old, but I also want to insist on his own way donations."
Lift experiencing their first time picking up trash, Kim Li could not help but laugh Wuzui. "It was a little afraid of shame,http://51chaban.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=44712, hiding in the corner,http://admin96.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=31741, watching nobody,http://www.pensacolahog.com/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=2905&page=20, and they quickly conspire garbage planing or two,herve leger outlet, then hide again." Said the old man, she has now become very calm, street meets the trash, she will fancy a probe,ralph lauren pas cher, have a piece of paper on the ground, she would deftly picked up into the nylon bag.



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