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then put a few slices of watermelon.

"Why CCTV to fight David sculpture mosaic? When pornography were identified, which often involve mathematical principles and formulas?" 90 girl Azi (a pseudonym), who engaged in work related to the identification and pornography.
This wear knee-length dress bohemian girl, in the workplace as "Lala" heroine as capable. And in life, she is actually a "soft sister", there are 90 small independent mind and little happiness. (Intern Lixing Jia)
Azi was a 90 beauty Kam Wong division, Du Lala,hogan, as she had the able, intellectual, and life is a love of clothes, sweet and sour pork ribs will burn "soft sister." She is also very theatrical,karen millen soldes, feel abandoned to the company, is "the longest love confession."
Select reason
Increasing trend after 90 open, and even dare to face pornography. Azi body straightforward, frank and open atmosphere,longchamp pas cher, people feel warm.
Kam Wong division,http://dayueshang.com/news/html/?23500.html, is not equivalent to sex workers, on the contrary, she felt this occupation with doctors, reporters, like traditional illnesses from the ills of this society stripped. 90 as the mainstay of the new youth, already at the forefront of the times.
Message Trisha
"My first sentiment is to cherish their own health." She felt Trisha in the last days of happiness, "the last of life is in the giving, giving hope to others, so that she would go ."
, which is consistent Azi as "soft sister" consistent style. Compared dedication,louboutin pas cher, she is more concerned about the minutiae of "As Time Goes By, mutual treasure" of.
Kam Wong division in the "Du"
The girl was born in 1990 Azi,herve leger sale, when reading the cultural industry management professionals in the university, how would not expect to be engaged in the identification of pornographic work.
Azi seven meters tall,http://bbs.v4d.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=451, tall and beautiful, like wearing a rose-red suit. She wears a black-rimmed glasses, hair in pony tail, like most of the Du.
However, in life, she is full of "soft sister": virtuous and generous, loving clothes, a good cook. Every time your girlfriends to house guest, she will be ready ahead of dumplings, fruit tray placed washed grapes, pour the lemon juice into a cup, then put a few slices of watermelon.
Her career is Kam Wong division. The company did not give her formal job title, foreign only declared that "Web Editor."
When the spring of 2013, Beijing came online recruitment division chief Wong Kam news,http://www.oursilu.com/thread-1228156-1-1.html, Azi learned that she had a professional do the job title: Kam Wong division. Of course, most impressed her was this career salary of $ 200,000.
So she can not figure out is that many applicants for this position: "30 million users a message expressed willingness to candidates,longchamp soldes, more than 4,http://jhygsm.com/news/html/?10591.html,000 people delivered a resume."
Gradually missing "Day parade"
In the leaderless group consisting of from 10 to discuss the interview the candidates at the meeting, Director asked: "? There have not seen 'raw footage' of '
She and another girl hesitantly raised his hand,http://www.shanghaibaoyang.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, was the boys strange eyes.
Director asked:? "?, You supposed to" "If you look at the" color ring girl at the next table said: "work, I meet." Azi did not say anything, because she heard Tokyo hot and Aoi.
Trial operation of the first day,http://www.hao0979.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=23231, she points to open a file, a nude picture naked "lying" on the computer screen 17 inches. Azi "ah" screamed, then quickly covered his mouth with his eyes glanced colleague glanced around.
She forced herself to catching up "knowledge." In a male colleague's recommendation, she began to visit pornographic websites.
When some of my colleagues do not intend to tell the site name, she asked what it meant, often into big trouble red-faced male colleagues.
She gradually understand "Time is the Sha Zhudao, black fungus, soft banana" connotation,oakley pas cher, roommates say "rice in the pot, I was in bed," she would scoff, "said Good Day parade it."
A closely guarded secret of the storm
In addition to the physical and mental suffering,hollister,http://bbs.nhkj.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=60129, dull and meticulous work, including hidden risks outsiders can not understand.
1996 Lunar New Year holiday, most of the staff holiday, this day only Azi colleague Liu (a pseudonym) a person on duty. Background data surge, Liu somewhat anxious. Audit an entertainment video, she pressed the fast-forward, after the judgment given by harmless.
Duty after the end of the day, come home tired Liu received a phone call from the manager,http://icecreamthebook.com/?p=672570,louboutin, the original user complained that saw the pornographic video.
She re-opening the play button. After wearing headphones, she suddenly limp: the video starts fifth seconds,hermes pas cher, someone is inserted yellow URLs voice broadcast.
Liu measures to deal with the manager of the day was given a demerit warning. I did not expect the next day, the situation intensified,abercrombie france, the manager Liu directly to one conversation. When the manager of the mouth to say "when the company decided to dismiss granted," Liu Jingmei react. Quietly pick up information, a few good colleague to take her to the elevator door, until this time, Liu was "wow" to cry out.
It was later manager Azi said, when she did not reorientation Wong Kam division. After Liu event, Azi stepped in to replace the Liu's position, when on the Kam Wong division.
She did not dare tell his family work content
Work on content, and the family said she had been afraid to tell the truth. When asked about the work of my colleagues, it will be said that the development of computer software or stall in the past said that the network editor.
Daily bombing lot of harmful information, so she tried to pick up their own "Day parade" from life.
Night, she brought sweet and sour pork ribs, "Crash," a large group of colleagues came up points to eat. White rice with tomato sauce poured out in a smile, handed the group looks like Tommy's single boys colleague quipped:. "Oh, love lunch ah."
She also decided to make micro-movies. Manager very supportive, saying that if we can make a good movie, and can apply for work outside Kam Wong, the establishment of a new micro-film production sector.
Lightness finds,tiffany outlet, Qing Lian without demon. This is probably the new youth uphold the two-way cruising attitude to work and live in it. Later, she was new to the people called teachers will not encounter porn video "disgusting" the.
May end, she chose to resign. But until you leave, she did not tell her boyfriend about their work.
Editor: Zhao Contact reporter



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