

标题: otherwise we will resort to the law."
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发表于 2014-9-4 16:40  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
otherwise we will resort to the law."

Spring Festival are underway, however, yesterday afternoon, "dissonance" appeared in Taizhou Bus Station: A pair of young men and women embrace a brown dog on board to Suzhou long-distance truck driver to remind them of the dog can not enter the compartment, which Young passengers failing,Doudoune Moncler Astere Femme Bleu, causing other passengers dissatisfaction. Surprising is, the young woman still in the car shouting:. "My dog's life than you are worthless" As young men and women refused to cooperate with the puppy into the trunk, causing the shift eventually had to be canceled, car the other 49 passengers were on board barge load to other than the punctual start a full two hours late.
Young man holding a dog on a car
Passengers said the dog's life is worth more than
Passengers Lee reflected his ride was yesterday 15:40 Taizhou sent to Suzhou from long-distance car,Doudoune Moncler Cachalot Femme Chocolat, a few minutes before the start,Doudoune Moncler Monserrat Homme Brun, took the lead after he got the ticket. Soon,Doudoune Moncler Lierre Femme Blanc, a pair of young men and women immediately got on board, including a young woman embrace a brown puppy. Already seated in the cab driver immediately got up reminder: "Puppies can not bring the car to take luggage to be placed in the following result, the young men and women do not like to hear, like the car has to go inside. The driver rushed forward with their negotiations, repeatedly asking them not to bring dogs in the car, but the young men and women have been ignored. Soon, the car was filled with tourists,Doudoune Moncler Fille Moncler Enfant Longue Ceinture Or, but also to the departure time, but because young men and women refused to cooperate,Doudoune Moncler Fille Moncler Enfant Longue  Capuche Fourrure V??ritable Bleu, the driver's too fat not cars.
Lee recalls that men and women see the dog in the car, the impact of punctual departure,http://bbs.fjzol.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=177326, many passengers sit still,Doudoune Moncler Genevrier Femme Noir, unanimously condemned them, saying that the dog can not be with people, "Mixed." Stand accused,http://www.wfr114.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=17833&extra=, hold the dog woman stood up and shouted: "dog is my baby's life than you are worth."
Entangled over one hour
The long-haul flights were canceled
Taizhou Long Distance Bus Station, a responsible person,http://intl.jxufe.cn/up2/home.php?mod=space&uid=329972, describes an interview with reporters last night, around 15:50, he received the drivers, immediately rushed to the scene. According to relevant regulations,Doudoune Moncler Renne Femme Noir, passengers are prohibited from bringing animals ride. Later,http://www.0734yg.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=54232, they agreed that this young man will puppy after packing into suitcase. Station staff took the initiative to prepare a cardboard box they used to put their puppy. But the young party proposes to issue a Letter of Commitment station, said puppies suffocated in the trunk in case, station areas must be compensated. For them such a request, the station side can not accept such a thing would have been a stalemate.
See departure hopeless, many passengers out of the car and began negotiations with the station side, requiring the station to re-arrange the vehicle,Doudoune Moncler Himalaya Homme Noir, but sometimes can not be arranged,Doudoune Moncler Alpain Femme Noir, the station square is very passive. In desperation,Doudoune Moncler Femme Noir, the station had reported to the police. After police arrived at the station, on-site investigation, and finally back to the police station to ask for these young men and women.
Unable to carry Suzhou Bus Station 18:40 back Taizhou passengers, Suzhou afternoon sent the shift had to be canceled. 17:40,http://bbs.pcsbo.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=102536, all the other passengers were refuting a long-distance carrier to another car, then send Suzhou time than punctuality two hours late.
Young men and women being investigated bus claim compensation
Last night,http://web.nanet.cn:8181/4185/news/html/?30187.html, a police station in Taizhou Zhou Shan district responsible comrades told reporters that at present these young people are under police investigation,http://www.foosc.com/sportssocialnetwork/profile.php?user=dko3l18F3o&v=comments, the basic fact is that the dog in the car because they affected the normal departure, the police will investigate and verify them for processing.
Taizhou charge long-distance Bus Station, told reporters that,http://bbs.hf365.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=758346,Gilet Moncler Masae Femme Blanc, because of this, the day of the long-distance Bus Station Taizhou total loss of five or six thousand dollars, "These losses should be affordable for young people from this, otherwise we will resort to the law."
Newspaper reporter, Mr Wang

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UID 165195
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金钱 20 RMB
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注册 2014-9-4
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发表于 2014-9-4 21:50  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友  QQ



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