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发表于 2014-10-14 09:33  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
this cafe no formalities

13-year-old old son secretly to the Internet, which makes Mr. Deng is a headache. By tracking, he found his son frequented Internet cafes are not in the village, is in the family wings, the "hidden" is the common feature of these Internet cafes. So he drew a map of the black bars to facilitate the relevant departments for investigation.
Numerous experiences of finding the child draw a map
Mr. Deng, who lives in Daxing Road, Xi'an, have four sons have been to the cafe around. Mr. Deng went to his son every time, can see a lot of ten-year-old student at the cafe,http://www.xiw.cc/home.php?mod=space&uid=183653, the weekend most.
Internet cafes do not hang any formalities, the lights dim, the air does not circulate. "The students go to Internet cafes, do not produce their identity cards will be able to board the plane, and are playing the game, one to be two to three hours, which can let parents worry about it?"
Constantly criticizing his son,http://bbc.cqyg520.com/showtopic-543556.aspx, while Deng think these black cafe owner greed, their main object is to make money these elementary school, junior high school students,http://tiantianhaobi.mianbaozhu.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=298883, "the relevant departments should deal with them, I can do is give investigate provide clear wiring diagram. although children old Internet, parents also have a responsibility, but these black bars shut down, but also a way to help children get rid of addiction. "
After several days of preparation, Mr. Deng's "Internet cafes map" finally became a draw,scarpe hogan, there are four black bars above, which focused on three houses in the village of Deng, as well as an abundance of area inside the intake. Because too careful observation,http://bbs.aitexi.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=68673, what an Internet cafe next to each restaurant or what stores have done marked on the map.
A cafe identified 14 children
Yesterday morning, according to the map Deng provided reporters easily Village Road side in the Deng family found its first cafe, the cafe is located between the two noodle, did not open the door. Around people say, this cafe no formalities, customs clearance and-go, did not dare open the door generous.
The second cafe on the other side of a village road,http://www.nxszl.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=14094, did not open the door. Third cafe in the east village, the entrance to suspend business posted a sign.
Fourth cafe not far away from the Tang Village into a cell on the first floor of a family house in abundance. The door was open, the reporter went to visit, I saw a dozen junior high school students and primary school students are lying in front of the computer playing games. When asked whether online identity, network management, said no, as long as the pay on the line, two dollars an hour can Shangye machine.
Reporter LianHu to Xi'an Public Security Bureau police station and Xi'an Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bureau, Taoyuan LianHu Branch Trade and Industry, as reflected in Taoyuan. Soon, two units of law enforcement officers rushed to the scene.
Internet cafes have more than 30 computers, a total of 14 minors on the Internet, they are all around the junior high and elementary school students. A 11-year-old student, said the Internet do not have identity cards, they are all playing "Heroes Union" and "Cross Fire" and other online games, "We came to tell the students to play with my father, went to the cafe to the . "
Internet cafes just checked over a month ago
The Internet can not provide any formalities. Subsequently, the police will be withheld Internet switches and hosts, the people back in charge of the investigation of Internet cafes. Taoyuan industrial and commercial staff said that the Internet belongs to operating without a license, was investigated over a month ago, did not expect to steal now open, "we will be ordered to suspend business, and do seal treatment."
According to Deng map provided by Internet cafes,http://bbs.ileehoo.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=470531, reporters and business staff again went to Tang Village View other three black bars, the first two are still closed doors,http://yubaigz.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=13553, cafes and a half took third gate volume, not for business, industrial and commercial staff said, this Internet no formalities, had just been treated, there is no door.
Trade and Industry officials said the Deng family in the village cafe mostly black bars, "Just last week, we shut down the seven black bars,http://bbs.nanbobo.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=2131, while the villages of black bars is a chronic illness, we will work with culture, public security departments Joint Strike treatment, if secretly open again and again, will resolutely banned. "
Newspaper reporter Qing Rong Bo
(Original title: Parents hand-painted black cafe Map (Figure))



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