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See owner injured

Equity and contracts due to a dispute; murderer was controlled within the Office of the incident, which his wife and daughter committed suicide years ago
Yesterday morning, Shiyan Li Xing Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., chairman and chief general manager Shen days aiming office was stabbed 18 knife, after she died. After the incident, the murderer  Lai Hing employees were locked inside the office, the police arrived and arrested him quickly. According to the preliminary interrogation,http://hubal.bialystok.pl,hogan donna 2013, the main motivation Zhenghua Jiang crime is due to equity, labor contracts and other disputes of Shen Heaven generate rancor.
Shen Li Xing helm Heaven is a real estate company in the construction of the first villas Shiyan real estate business. Shen Heaven has also served as vice president of Federation of Industry in Shiyan City, Hubei Province,http://www.759game.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=104977, vice president of the Northwest director (manager) Association, Shiyan City CPPCC members.
At present, the case for further investigation into.
Text / newspaper correspondent Liu Fei Chao Tan Jingtian
Intern Li Baoshan bottom of Shiyan
◇ incident
Was stabbed to death in the company office manager
10 o'clock yesterday morning, Shiyan City Public Security Bureau 110 command center received a report, the city's real estate company employees Liu Xing Li police said, someone with a knife stabbed people in the company office.
After receiving the alarm, Shiyan City Public Security Bureau Police Detachment, Maojian Chaoyang Branch Road police station, Interpol police brigade rushed to the scene.
When the first at the scene, according to the patrol police,spaccio hogan milano, yesterday 10:02, they received a report arrived Lai Hing real estate company, see the company building the corridor around a lot of people,scarpe hogan uomo outlet, a man covered in blood lying on the ground, still kept out of the chest wounds take Xuepao,hogan alte, leaving many blood on the floor. The company's employees are hurried for the wounded bleeding, confusion and even large groups of employees holding toilet paper stuffed into his wounds.
Employees told police the man lying on the ground called Shen Heaven, is chairman and managing their company is in the office had been stabbed.
Subsequently,scarpe hogan uomo prezzi bassi, 120 medical personnel arrived, the Shen Heaven sent Shiyan City People's Hospital for treatment.
◇ death
Was stabbed 18 knife pierced heart was bleeding to death
10:10 or so, Shen was sent to Heaven Shiyan City People's Hospital for emergency medical personnel to his rescue.
"When the hospital had to die." Hospital emergency department doctors,http://www.yookuu.com/in/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=81770, was injured breathing and pulse are very weak, the doctor of their body's wounds were examined and found the injured body was stabbed 18 knife wounds across the chest, abdomen, arms, thighs, neck and head.
"One of the fatal wound on the chest." The doctor said, the rescue process, the wounded after they opened the chest found deep chest wounds has the right atrium and right ventricle forty-five centimeters,interactive hogan, "The blood kept coming out."
According to her analysis, the multiple stab wounds in the chest and abdomen should be the murderer committed, and the hands and legs of the two men injured in the fight might be scratched.
In about 12:00, the hospital announced that Shen Heaven died. Shiyan police, Shen Heaven was stabbed due to cardiac rupture, hemorrhagic shock and death.
◇ arrest
The murderer was arrested Office
On the patrol car to drink
According to Lai Hing real estate company employees introduced yesterday 9:30 Xu,  to Shen Heaven's office to talk about things, not long before I saw Shen Heaven ran out clutching his abdomen from the office suite, the fall in the subordinate office, said was Zhenghua Jiang stabbed many knives, so that employees quickly dialed 110.
See owner injured, a staff quickly call 110. Since Shen Heaven is a suite of offices, other employees quickly suite door anti-lock,http://www.fafawang.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=727521, will Zhenghua Jiang control indoors.
After the company's employees to identify, heard the news rushed to the scene of the patrol entered the suites will Zhenghua Jiang under control. When the police rushed into the room,  are inclined to sit on the sofa, pale, lying on the ground next to a handful of more than 30 cm long knives,http://www.vm-net.ne.jp, with blood on the blade up to 10 centimeters, the police also from within his clothes found a scabbard.
Faced with the sudden appearance of police,scarpe hogan outlet, Zhenghua Jiang seemed more calm,moncler sito ufficiale, did not do anything against it without a fight.
According to police reports,hogan interactive beige,http://www.guigangbike.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=17804,  after being controlled at the time handcuffed him,  to the police said he had frozen shoulder, asked the police not wearing handcuffs okay. Police asked him what arm only have frozen shoulder, Zhenghua Jiang said he immediately had two arms. To prevent accidents, the police or give him handcuffed.
After being brought to the police, the police asked his name, Zhenghua Jiang replied: "I do not want to say, I'm thirsty, I want to drink." Police found the body  pale and shivering. In the water requirements are met, Zhenghua Jiang opening simply confessed his criminal motives and perpetrators process.
◇ motivation
Equity and contract disputes triggered by the murder
According to informed sources, the last before the early 1990s,  and Shen days like-minded in a unit of work, they are mid-level units. Later units restructuring, Shen Heaven and  out business together. 1993, Shen Zhicheng Li day Xing Li Shiyan City Real Estate Development Co.,  is a company under the company's business manager.
Later,scarpe hogan donna, in the course of development of the company, as equity and debt relations, labor contract dispute, the two sides had a lot of differences, for which the two sides even once gone to court to fight the lawsuit. Soon after, Zhenghua Jiang Xing Li left the real estate company.
According to the insider, the two sides after the kick lawsuit, Shen Heaven gave the  30,000 yuan. But since then, Zhenghua Jiang Shen Heaven and looked for money.
And yesterday Shiyan police held a press briefing revealed  for equity, labor contracts and other disputes on the application of Heaven produce rancor, 10 o'clock yesterday morning, carrying a prepared dagger chairman sneaked Hing Lai real estate company Shen Heaven office, while Shen Heaven does not equipment, a knife to Shen Zhi Lian Tong 18 days knife, causing Shen Heaven hemorrhagic shock and death.
◇ ready
Brothers waiting for the attack early in the morning
Shiyan police discovered after trial,hogan blu uomo, Zhenghua Jiang Shen Heaven premeditated killing long.
Yesterday afternoon,http://www.amarilfranklin.com.br/index.php?option=com_blog&view=blog, Maojian District Shiyan City Public Security Bureau investigators suspect carried out the assault trial, "he sane, has been very fit."
"He's done so much, before we do business with a partner, I now look like this." Before the incident,http://my.5754.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, as the former shareholders Lai Hing real estate company  live Shiyan Subdistrict Economic Development whitecaps village road rented room, engaged in real estate development for many years, he has been no fixed abode.
The gap between the two, plus equity, contract disputes,  day of Shen Chi generate resentment, and wanted to kill him.
7:00 yesterday morning, Jiang Cheng of getting up early. In the rental house,hogan vendita on line, he bought the weapon to spend tens of dollars worn sharp from the market. Subsequently, he will murder weapon hidden in the coat and went to Lai Hing real estate company.
8:00 am, when he came to the company, the company found that the applicant has yet to go to work, he left the company from Xing Li, about an hour later, he again came to Hing Lai company, has been waiting for the application to work.
Lai Hing real estate company employee, said he arrived in the morning to go to work when the company, see Zheng hovering in front of the chairman's office, but did not see anything unusual Zheng. After that, did not hear too much bickering, the murder took place.



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