

标题: the child's situation has stabilized.
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发表于 2014-10-4 23:55  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
the child's situation has stabilized.

WASHINGTON (correspondent Chen Yang Cheng Xiadan newspaper reporter Zhu Lizhen newspaper correspondent Fu Yingjie / text) boyfriend refused to show up for months,http://www.menqiu.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, eight months pregnant mothers despair. Three days ago, she was armed with melon, on the 9th floor of the window and stood more than three hours, in a trance.
Critical moment, fire and police decisive shot,http://www.promenadedental.com/wp-temp/mepnmcbnic.html, within eight seconds, the back of the sad mothers.
Yesterday, reporters got the message from the hospital, mothers Chen is currently in good condition, the child's situation has stabilized.
And took her to the police for fire fighters, and now she has given complete trust: "I call them 'brother'."
Mother and unborn child is in stable condition, the father still did not appear
Yesterday afternoon,http://egassembler.hgc.jp/cgi-bin/eassembler4.cgi, in Jinhua Central Hospital maternity ward, the reporter saw mothers Chen.
Her face was still pale,http://ikonfilmworks.com/data/vkqlqhfjxe.html, but the mood has stabilized. She said the children are now the situation is quite good,http://prof-beauty.ru/wp-cache/hyxbqhpzxh.html, is head a little, "said the doctor, because the relationship between malnutrition."
"After I got pregnant,http://www.appconnect.in/data/wtlbkenpnn.html, can not work because of health reasons, economic source of almost interrupted. Coupled with the child's father had disappeared, I rely on 800 dollars a person over several months." Chen said,http://longestcockmedia.com/lib/sopklwwohq.html, that a few months of her daily only buy a box lunch, had split into two meals to eat. Cold, took a dip in boiling water.
When the cell before the interview, someone told reporters that Chen had two baby belly; yesterday,http://www.hairus.com/new_site/pages_e/sunbbs/sunbbs.cgi,http://www.appconnect.in/data/xxwruingaq.html, Chen made the explanation: She did not pregnant with twins.
"After I had contractions phenomenon in hospital, the doctor said the child may preterm." Chen worried.
Although the police have contacted the child's father, but until yesterday,http://csillakorom.hu/lib/kagpwjkvjy.html, he still did not appear.
At the hospital, the era of garden property companies and police arranged a staff,http://longestcockmedia.com/lib/wtpmjnevuj.html, 24-hour care Chen.
Among these, the deputy director of the police station west of the city of Jinhua Wucheng equipment and Chen Tong closest, Chen called him "brother."
Tong equipment, is the day, leaned from the window that police pulled Chen.
8 seconds,http://www.nousoma.co.nz/wp-cache/hulerhouev.html, two lives,http://popexpress.biz/data/gsgoluhknc.html, then whether he was nervous? Chen pulled the moment, he thought what?
Yesterday, the reporter dialogue child prepare to restore the eight seconds Cry moment.
Several fire fighters involved in the rescue, but also likes a
Huang Wei, Jinhua Secret Fire Brigade trucks fighting squad leader, the first person shot caught Chen wrist.
29 years old, he joined the army for 11 years, on-site rescue a lot of experience.
That he lived several police prepared to restrain the impulse to reach out and grab people,http://www.alljewelry.jp, finally grasping time machine in one fell swoop the moves successfully rescued Chen.
Dong Tang, Jinhua Secret Fire Brigade combatants, 24 years old, and child prepare,http://longestcockmedia.com/lib/whscgezjkl.html, Huang Wei pull people into the room together.
Leong was,http://magneterbolt.hu/cache/ehuxdaywmj.html, two car combat squad leader, aged 24,http://www.asilan.com:8081/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=304218, from the 10th floor sling flying down.
Two young soldiers brave, calm, to ensure the smooth progress of rescue work.
Song can, Jinhua Secret Fire Brigade instructor, aged 33, joined the army for 15 years.
According to the site, the first time he developed a battle plan for maximum keep the child. He succeeded.
What is the time to save on your mind? Even were slashed several times, can not let go
Reporter: When you want to save what is?
Tong Preparation: Before a reporter asked me, save when there is no thought of their loved ones. I told him that I did not have time to think too much.
I had only two things to consider. One knife,http://www.fincasfiol.com/cache/gcdszxbfpn.html, a sword in her hand, and now I'm still here. Give you a look, it is that the more than ten centimeters long folding knife, opened fronts.
When we discuss when to let her tie has been done several times in preparation, we say,http://www.health8.com/cgi-bin/yybbs/yybbs.cgi, even if were slashed, absolutely can not let go.
Fortunately, later Chen knife into the gap in the windowsill,http://www.steenland.com/data/zzeaftcykh.html, was quietly rob us down.
The second is how to save,http://www.telephone-sip.com/lib/xakpzsayta.html.
Chen stomach there is a child, but two lives ah.
She was standing outside the building when it is facing the wall, and we think the way is to make her whole person over. Pull people when I instinctively grabbed her on the hard side of the arm pull force, with her whole body was turned over, so that she becomes his back outwards, and so, the stomach will not be stuck in the windowsill , this time we are forced to put together a few people and then her whole care into the room.
Reporter: Have you ever thought, if people are not caught, how to do?
Tong Preparation: I did not want. Later, sitting in an ambulance to the hospital in time to send Chen, just feel scared.
I was put himself above the knee are stuck windowless. Later returned to the scene, I found that this action is very dangerous,http://serika.sugarstars.net/exit/gbook9-DISABLED_BY_DREAMHOST_FOR_LOAD-ED/gbook9/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=130/, the center of gravity did not have a good grasp of their own turned down.
Why not take protective equipment? Fear stimulus pregnant women, everyone off shoes
Reporter: Do you save the time,http://www.pitschcompanies.com/cache/ukrnpsvzne.html, did not take any protective equipment.
Tong prepared: not that we do not want to take,http://www.h2auniformitat.com/cache/dcahqdcwtz.html, but the scene does not allow us to take.
Chen was how excited mood, you also saw it. We are also afraid of making a sound, afraid of her irritation, but also to make things more dangerous.
So just do not wear protective equipment,http://www.fincasfiol.com/cache/mcfmkocklq.html, in fact, except I want to save people so afraid of slipping shoes on, others are even shoes are off before sneaking into the touch.
Reporter: there is no worry about your family,http://www.italica万众海浪论坛1.com/console/uewpoewsxg.html?
Tong prepared: I from the police a full nine years,http://prof-beauty.ru/wp-cache/rrhwmdeqef.html, his wife is also a policeman, daughter less than 20 months, very sticky to me. They are aware of my work, but also very understanding, including Mom and Dad.
They say that I compare this honor,http://club.miyazaki-mu.ac.jp/gvolun/bbs/fbregi.cgi, is a bit ill-considered, under consideration for the family.
(Original title: Pregnant hand there was the knife I thought: Even were slashed several times, also took her)

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